Sunday 31 May 2020


There are a lot of things that parents can do to keep their kids busy and productive at home during this quarantine period. In fact, kids can work at home and get paid, rather than just play. Just like adults who are happy for receiving their salary, my two nieces also felt delighted after receiving their monetary reward from me. Just a small amount for working on their “ special job”.

But does giving monetary reward to children really help?

My answer is YES. Giving kids money as a reward for a completed task has its own benefits and this is what I discovered.

Giving kids money as their reward for accomplishing a task can be used by parents as a way to teach their kids the value of money and work. Anyway, these two, money and work go together. If you want to earn money, then, you have to work. It’s a plain and simple condition. Even with children, young as they are, parents can teach their children the benefits of doing something productive at home in exchange for a monetary reward. Of course, I do not promote the idea of paying their children for doing the responsibilities that the kids ought to do at home, such as cleaning their room, washing the dishes and other household chores. It is only for “special job” that kids must be given the monetary reward. When I asked my two nieces to do some artworks for me, they agreed right away, probably out of obedience. Initially, I never thought of giving them money in exchange for the favor I was asking from them. It was only later on that I decided to give them their monetary reward because I thought,  they would probably be waiting for something from me. True enough, when I told them that I would pay each of them, their eyes grew big and smiled at me and they became more excited to finish their artworks. When they had finished , they showed me their output. With the Raine’s work, I did not see anything that needed revision. When the younger one (Camille) showed me her artwork, I told her that, she did it beautifully, but I saw something that needed to be improved. Upon hearing my comment, her impatience suddenly came out and told me, “Tita, pinapahirapan mo buhay ko.” (Tita, you are making my life difficult) Using my teacher’s instinct, since I did not like what I heard from her, I told myself that I should correct her misconception about my intention. Sometimes, we can discover a lot of their misconceptions on how they look at things, when we spend time conversing with the children.

Real-life situations and conversation with our children can be used as opportunity for teaching them the right way of seeing things.With proper explanations from adults, young people can change the way they look at things in a higher perspective. For my part, I told her that if someone, specially, an adult gives her suggestions on how she can further improve her work does not mean giving her additional burden, but it is a way to encourage her to do better and not to settle for less in doing something.

It is always in the quality of work that one can earn a better reward, not necessarily in the form of money, but it can be a good grade or praise in exchange of a job well done.

Lesson Learned:

The value of teaching the kids about the value of work and money is truly priceless and in teaching them, let us not emphasize the idea of just working for the money but rather it is the sense of fulfillment that a person can derive from using his or her God’s given talent that truly matters to achieve one’s happiness and contentment in life.

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